Carl Aasland Jerstad

Lawyer admitted to the Supreme Court of Norway (H)/Partner

Carl Aasland Jerstad assists injured parties in all types of personal injury cases – occupational injuries, traffic injuries, patient injuries, violence-related injuries etc. Jerstad has extensive litigation experience before all judicial bodies, and is one of the leading and most experienced experts in tort law in Norway.

Jerstad has over 20 years experience in assisting injured parties, municipalities and institutions in relation to compensation cases and personal injury cases. He is nationally and internationally recognized for his in-depth expertise and important contributions to the field, and in 2022 he was, together with Haver lawyer Linda Egeland, named personal injury lawyer of the year in Europe.

Carl Aasland Jerstad assists injured parties in all types of personal injury cases – occupational injuries, traffic injuries, patient injuries, violence-related injuries etc. Jerstad has extensive litigation experience before all judicial bodies, and is one of the leading and most experienced experts in tort law in Norway.

Jerstad has over 20 years experience in assisting injured parties, municipalities and institutions in relation to compensation cases and personal injury cases. He is nationally and internationally recognized for his in-depth expertise and important contributions to the field, and in 2022 he was, together with Haver lawyer Linda Egeland, named personal injury lawyer of the year in Europe.


Cand.jur., 1992, University of Bergen
Master of Laws (EU Law), LL.M, Kings College, University of London 1995 – 96


2007 –               Admitted to the Supreme Court of Norway
2001 –               Partner at Haver
1998 – 2001    Lawyer at Kluge Advokatfirma DA, Stavanger
1993 – 1997     Trainee Lawyer/Lawyer at Secher & Co Advokatfirma Ans, Bergen
1991 –                 Junior Fellow, University of Bergen

Jerstad has written and published a number of articles on tort law in the Norwegian publications Lov og Rett, Jussens Venner, Juristkontakt and Tidsskrift for erstatningsrett, forsikringsrett og trygderett.

Jerstad was a member of the Tort Committee (Appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice to prepare a draft of standardised assessment rules for personal injuries with a time limit of June 2011) 2008. He was the Chair of the Norwegian Bar Association’s Tort Law Committee 2004–2010. Jerstad was the Norwegian Board Member of the Pan European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers (PEOPIL) 1998-2016. Jerstad is a member of the editorial board for the Norwegian publications Tidsskrift for erstatningsrett, forsikringsrett og trygderett.

PEOPIL «Personal injury lawyer of the year award» (2022)